Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Preliminary Task - Video Editing

For the beginning of A2, the task which was given to us was to produce a short film within a group of four; around the scenario of 'the meeting'. Unfortunately during this experience, I was not able to produce my own film due to being absent, also having absent peers within my group. Although I was able to watch others do their short production and have taken in some experience of the given task.
This therefore gives me a target in the future to be more determined and focused on doing my work efficiently.

After the groups had shoot their films, they were asked to use their computer editing skills to add in shots effectively which was to make the film more interesting and realistic. Later, we peer assessed as a class each film and talked about advantages and disadvantages of the editing skills and shot types used.

The program which was used to edit the videos was iMovie '08:

Evaluation Targets

As a group we evaluated our work and came up with the following recommendations to improve our work:

  • Pay close attention to editing concepts such as, matching on action and eye-line matching

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Starting Year 13

AS started with producing a four-page magazine based around music and blogging of the production. Now in A2 we are in the process of producing a horror film trailer, along with a magazine cover for this and blogging. To improve our coursework from Year 12, we had a specialist in media blogging to talk to us about the best way to blog our given task. Pete Fraiser, the media specialist, first set us out a task looking back at our AS course and to reflect on what we liked and disliked about the course.

This task was to reflect our ideas onto a imaginary island of our choice, illustrating our journey through the AS course. This idea was to improve our skills in blogging to achieve a better grade.