Sunday 12 September 2010

Looking at titles of films during class time

In Mr Rosen's class we looked at film titles from different trailers. From clues from the film titles we were asked to evaluate what the images show. We Looked at the style of the fonts used to give us an idea of what the film is about.


This style of font gives us an idea that the film could be a spooky/ghostly/horror/thriller genre with the use of the classic font and glowing text.


The style of font used for this film 'Due Date' is a modern font and is used in block capital letters. This type of font would make it difficult to conclude what genre this film may be but some choices could be comedy or a family film.


When we see this style of font we may straight away assume that the film genre could be based around horror or thriller. This is because of the use of red used for the title and a faint use of blood at the background of the font.


This style of font gave us an idea that the film may be to do with the American culture or something patriotic. After when we looked at the title which is in block captial letters we saw an silhouette, and this is a man holding a gun so therefore the idea of the genre has changed and now it may be a action film.

What is more important images or words?

The question 'what is more important images or words' may have a lot of different arguments towards it when it comes to an answer. Images are used to show something while words are usually used to describe something. I think that images have more significance because when referring to a movie poster, unlike words, the images give you more of an idea what the film is about. This can be referred to the evaluation of film titles shown above. When we looked at the film title (words) we had to guess what the film was about and what the genre was by just reading it, but when we looked at the images, as in the whole movie poster we straight away had an idea what the film genre was. Although, my evaluation above has somewhat given us an idea what the film genre is, based on how the words look but this then also comes into the content of imagery because of the creativeness of how the words have been edited.

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