Thursday 23 December 2010

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From our previous audience feedback, when we had handed out questionnaires, we saw that the audience had preferred to watch teaser trailers more than to simply look at magazines and posters, so we had decided to focus on this a lot.

Audience feedback from our research and planning:

So to assess the effectiveness of our teaser trailer, I gathered some audience feedback to help me improve my publicity campaign. I started by creating a Facebook page for my campaign, and I had upload the first edit of my trailer, the poster, and the magazine on there.
Facebook is a social networking site which my target audience is involved in.

Using Facebook enables people to leave comments about what they think of the publicity campaigns and what they find more effective. Although this enables me to get a limited amount of information , my previous audience feedback from my research and planning would be taken into account.

Our Facebook page can be seen in more detail through this link:!/pages/Media-Film-Publicity-Campaign-for-311010/176720165689556

When putting together our audience feedback, we can see that we have successfully created three great publicity campaigns. Many had said that the trailer connected with the characters and they had connected with the characters in the trailers themselves and sympathized with them.
Despite the positive audience feedback, there was one minor problem. We were hoping to get more anonymous audience feedback to improve our teaser trailer.

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