Saturday 23 October 2010

Initial title ideas and changes

On tuesday the 19th, we had a group discussion about our current film title. Even though we have based all our research around our initial title '31', we have decided to change our idea after doing some extra research. We have decided that we are going to change our title to '31.10.10'.
All the planning and research we have carried out and blogged will still apply to our new title.
We had decided to change the name of our horror movie title simple because we thought having just the number '31' isn't enough to excite the audience, although it represents the date of Halloween, we thought we could take it a step further and represent the actual date of Halloween this year. There will also never be another October 2010, so the '10.10' really has a lot of significance to the present day. It also signifies that the film is going to be very modern and will always be remembered for its date.

Our movie title was influened by other films whose titles consisted of number. For example, Friday the 13th and Case 39. These numbrs also had a huge significance in the film and really informed their audiences on what the film is about and this is what we hope to achieve with our film also.

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