Friday 22 October 2010


What is the significance of props in a horror film?

When you try to examine characters without props, they are meaningless. In other words, they are not scary at all. For example, try to imagine Jason Vorhess without his machete, Freddy without his claws or Michael Myers without his mask. Many great horror films have a lot of memorable moments and the use of their unique props helps to add value to their character. It is a known fact that every killer in a horror film has a good prop beside them. Even the normal protagonists who don't kill anyone, for example ghosts or vampies have props. An actor in a horror film can only do so much to scare the audience without their props. If Jason Vorhees stood over a victim, looking very plain-like and his shouting would not give anyone a fright. But if you add his machete, mask and ripped clothes, then you are sure to get frightened and want to run away.

This research is significant to our horror concept; because we have thought about the idea of using crops such as a mask to keep the killer anonymous - for him to have a hidden personality. This therefore has a scare; as nobody knows who the killer really is. Suspicion causes fear.

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