Friday 22 October 2010

Mise en scene

Mise en scene: These are all the things that are put into the scene e.g. the setting and decor. Narrative filsm often manipulate the elements of mise en scene to intensify or undermine the ostensible significance of a particular scene.

Light effects the way colours are rendered, both in terms of hue and depth, and focus attention on particulare elements of composition. Most mainsteam films rely on the three point lighting style and its genre variations.

There are three typical horror elements found in many horror movies:
  • A fierce creatre is the first typical element found in horror movies. A lot of movies in this genre use fierce animals to make a plot, making that animal huge; savage and intelligent without a doubt to horrify people. Using characters who are frightened all the time and are running away from the creature also excites people. These characters always succeed in escaping from some danger, but sometimes fail to escape from other dangers.

  • The supernatural is the second thing which is used as a typical horror element in this movie category. Supernatural things are often used to scare people and have a unique style and have become very popular.

  • The third horror element is murderer. Filmmakers often use a scary human character to be the typical element. In some movies, the character wears scary clothes and a mask as he commits the murders. These movies nearly always start with a group of friends or random people, and each on gets killed until there is a revelation of the murdered at the end of the movie. During this time the audience anticipated who is the murderer and most of the time is incorrect. These are also conflicts at the end of the movies, which suprise people as most of the conflict is related to revenge.
Mise en scene is important to when we start producing our concept because we have to consider the key elements, as shown above, that will showcase our trailer to be of a horror genre. These ideas influence us on how our character should look and what type of lightening would be suitable.

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