Tuesday 23 November 2010

Drafting of 31.10.10 Movie Poster

For our movie poster, we produced two posters so we can compare them and then pick out which we think is more suitable. Making a first draft would help us improve our second attempt at producing a movie poster as we would know what more we need to include and what we need to do to make it look professional. For our movie poster, we used our still images that we took during our shooting.

With this movie poster, you can already point out improvements that need to be made.
The poster needs to have the age rating certificate, if not then the poster would also need more production details.

Also the movie title may need to stand out more, as this is an important convention when constructing a movie poster.

We had decided to not show clearly who the killer is, as we want to create suspense, so therefore he will remain anonymous until the teaser trailer is viewed.

To produce this poster, we used Adobe Photoshop CS4

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