Friday 19 November 2010

Shooting on 27th October

On 27th October, each crew member had rounded up the actors and we all decided on the location that we are going to meet at. Once two of the crew members had approached the chosen location, we had decided to make our way with the actors to one of the crews (Naresa) house where we had the intention to use her back garden to do some shooting.
Once we appoached this location, we looked for good lighting where could start shooting. However, since there was a major lack of lighting, we had a group discussion about choosing another location.
We had shot one scene in the back garden and then decided to make our way to the other location before it starts getting too late (health and safety reasons).

Once we had arrived at the second location (Camden Square) we already had a good idea about what we needed to do so we started shooting straight away. At this scene we managed to take three shots and decided to call it a day as it was starting to get quite cold and also quite late.
We had decided to do some more shooting the next day.

28th October, third location we had chosen was to use my back garden. We had rounded everyone together but however one of our crew members was missing from the shooting. Before the shooting we discussed about what we are going to do at this stage. We ran through the script again, and started shooting more scenes and this in total came up to seven shits for our trailer. During the shooting we had in mind of the safety precautions we should take so we moved any crops that may get in the way and we had adult supervision the whole time running.

While doing this shooting we had decided to make some minor changes such as the mask of the killer and the weapon he is going to use. The weapon changed from chainsaw to garden clippers, as these were much easier to obtain and were a little more safer than using a working chainsaw around children.

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