Thursday 23 December 2010

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From our previous audience feedback, when we had handed out questionnaires, we saw that the audience had preferred to watch teaser trailers more than to simply look at magazines and posters, so we had decided to focus on this a lot.

Audience feedback from our research and planning:

So to assess the effectiveness of our teaser trailer, I gathered some audience feedback to help me improve my publicity campaign. I started by creating a Facebook page for my campaign, and I had upload the first edit of my trailer, the poster, and the magazine on there.
Facebook is a social networking site which my target audience is involved in.

Using Facebook enables people to leave comments about what they think of the publicity campaigns and what they find more effective. Although this enables me to get a limited amount of information , my previous audience feedback from my research and planning would be taken into account.

Our Facebook page can be seen in more detail through this link:!/pages/Media-Film-Publicity-Campaign-for-311010/176720165689556

When putting together our audience feedback, we can see that we have successfully created three great publicity campaigns. Many had said that the trailer connected with the characters and they had connected with the characters in the trailers themselves and sympathized with them.
Despite the positive audience feedback, there was one minor problem. We were hoping to get more anonymous audience feedback to improve our teaser trailer.

Thursday 16 December 2010

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Many different media technologies have played a big part in the making of our production as it helped us develop our understanding into the horror genre. This can be seen thoroughly throughout my blog, final film trailer, poster and movie magazine.

As a form of computing during the production work, I had found myself using the Apple Mac computers in our media department. Using Mac computers enabled us to use programmes and software’s which were not available on other computer systems. Macs provided us with many different softwares’ such as iPhoto, iMovie and Photoshop. We used Photoshop to create our magazine front cover and movie poster as this allowed us to have a wider range of tools available when editing, it produced the best finish result and showed of my skills greatly. Windows Microsoft Power Point also played a role in my production work as I had produced my evidence work on here and uploaded them later on, on Slideshare. Both of these universal software’s were used at different stages from evaluating to analysing.


Construction of movie magazine

During our research and planning stages of our production work, we had got into the habit of blogging continuously on a daily basis, for at least 30 minutes. In order to college our research we had used the internet. This was beneficial as we were able to research easily into the horror genre as a while, specific horror movies we wanted to base our movie around and also all the different conventions of horror films, including sound (music and sound effects), props and mise en scene. A lot of research was also done into synopses, film posters, magazine covers, trailers and teaser trailers. For all of these we evaluated them thoroughly which helped us clearly see a step by step process in creating our end product. We also had an insight into what we could have done to change our product and how it can be improved.


The structure of our entire finished product was easy to conduct because we had examples from the Internet. The Internet did help us research but we had used our own work and original images to create the movie poster and movie magazine. In order to grasp onto profession trailer-making skills I analyzed many different trailers including The Hills Have Eyes 2 and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Analyzing these trailers helped us get an idea on where to start with the production of our teaser trailer.


As the Internet working as a global system, there were many useful sites that we used that helped with further research into the horror genre and movie trailer professionalism. These sites included – where we had found previous trailers and teasers trailer and analyzed and compared them during our research. Other websites include Prezi, where we was able to easily create presentations that consisted of our research and also SlideShare where we was able to make presentations of Microsoft PowerPoint and upload them onto here so we can later post it onto our blog as this provided us with a embedded html code. Another site we had used was This site helped me to upload my still pictures and allowed me to add in descriptions to explain the health and safety risks and to also explain my evidence work.


Another important piece of media technology that we used was a Sony handy Camcorder. This was used for to cam cord our movie trailer in high quality. The Sony handy cam also came with a tripod which helped the Camcorder itself be kept steadily while shooting. A Sony digital camera was used for still shots for evidence work and still pictures for our movie poster and movie magazine. This data was easily transferred onto the computer which we then imported the clips onto iMovie and the still images onto iPhoto.


When the shots were imported onto iMovie, we had put them all together and constructed them to produce an excellent teaser trailer for our movie 31.10.10. On iMovie we were easily able to add in effects, transitions and sounds. We were able to add in images to the video, and effects to the video itself.


When we was doing our audience feedback about our movie 31.10.10 we had used a Canon camera to film people’s responses to a few questions we asked and we then added this to our blog. Facebook was also used to get audience feedback as we had uploaded our first edit of the trailer, completed poster and completed magazine onto there so we get feedback onto what had to be changed, what could be improved and also what viewers like to see in a movie trailer which excites them.

Overall, many media technologies were consistently used throughout the construction of my research, planning and evaluation stages as well as when we had produced our trailer, poster and magazine over. I used the Internet for good consistent research and to update my blog entries, Mac computers to use the different software’s and portable technology such as cameras. All these equally played a role in producing my overall product.